Mindset, Glass half-full vs half-empty by Eugénie Nugent

You may have seen this little note passing around in our social sphere:

“A man bumps into his ex wife’s new husband and said, ‘Hi how’s the second hand pussy?’ The man replies, ‘It’s great thanks. After the first three inches the rest of it is brand new!’” Words, very powerful! But so is mindset!

One very unique thing about the human being is the ability to think critically about situations and choose how we want to deal with them; the ability to decide at any given moment whether to give our power away or keep it. Who do you think was empowered from that short encounter? The disgruntled ex husband or the intuitive, quick-witted current husband? Of course, the current husband! Are you kidding? Not only was he able to keep his power and maintain his sanity, he was able to take whatever dignity that ex husband has away from him rendering him powerless, ineffective, a non-issue. He asked for it! Didn’t he?

Now, I want you to think about this, like really think about this. Many of us would not have chosen this dignified path and kept our power! Many of us would most likely have chosen between two extremes and either a) beat the shit outta him or b) hang our heads and retreat in defeat feeling like a loser, and worse yet thinking and believing that we really have a partner with a second hand, banged up “parts” allowing that malicious ex to project his contorted, distorted view onto us. Beating on him would surely make you feel good in the moment, but that good feeling would definitely not last. You would have sunken passed his level, giving up your power and allowing him to be right. Likewise, accepting defeat and walking away would leave you playing the scenario over and over again in your head and coming up empty and discomfited each time. But what this husband was able to do, in addition to crushing that ex’s ego, was to turn an otherwise negative connotation into a positive – beginning in his mind. He was able to see the glass half-full – his wife ‘parts’ may be second hand, but not fully.

This type of composure and self-control displayed by the current husband is said to come from a high level of emotional intelligence – willing ourselves to respond in a way that allows us to keep our power. But I also believe that our mindset and how we view things – in a good light vs a bad light, a glass half-full vs a glass half-empty is a huge part of what makes us constantly cognizant enabling us to always respond in a way that is empowering.

The Good News About Mindset

Mindset shifting can be practiced! And like any sporting activities, the more you practice, the better you get at it. So, I want you to remember this scenario whenever you are faced with any challenges or situations in which you have to respond. Challenges are inevitable, and the magnitude of each challenge varies, but if you get to practicing the healthy habit of always keeping your power – shifting your mindset and taking the high road, you will eventually become the master of YOU.

This particular encounter may not have happened in that way for us ladies as we are, well, women but just like that conscious current husband, you too can choose to see the glass half-full instead of half-empty when situations present themselves in whatever shape or form. You cannot choose or decide what gets thrown at you! None of us can! But, like that present husband, YOU and only YOU get to decide how YOU respond. Very powerful!

So, take note of how you deal with situations and ensure YOU stay empowered.
